Starcraft PGM rethink(WIP)

21 Oct 2019

When I surf Kaggle dataset few years ago, I found a Starcraft “scouting” dataset. What can experts do using this dataset? Following related link, I found the paper [1].

Back to the time reading this paper, I don’t have enough knowledge to understand it. Recently I revisit the paper again and realize that I can give some ideas about this paper now.

The paper follow a classic PGM setting. I mean, it set some explicitly latent variables. The top is a HMM specifying “strategy”, that determine the production of units. Here’s the plate notation figure:


The gray plate denote observed variable, and other are latent variables.

The model is specified as:

Strategy model, a standard markov process:

Production model:

Unexpected loss model:

Observation model:


Now the model is fully specified, we should learn(fit) its parameters:

Parameters include $\mathbf{\eta}, \mathbf{\pi}, \mathbf{\nu}, \mathbf{l}, \mathbf{\theta}$ .Since $P$ is observed in training, usual learning method for HMM such as EM algorithm can be employed to estimate $\mathbf{\eta}, \mathbf{\pi}$.

Since $U$ is observed in training, we can fit $\mathbf{\theta}$ using any optimizing method with MLE can be used. denoting unobserved loss probability, denoted by $\mathbf{l}$, can be fitted using basic mean, given $U,f$.

HMM and EM algorithm learning

Let’s say we have a HMM:


Now all of parameters are learned, we should do inference, the hardest part in many bayesian problems. The author use so called Rao-Blackwellised particle filtering(RBPF)[2] to infer the model.

Particle Filtering

Particle Filtering(PF), or Sequential Monte Carlo(SMC) use particle state with weight to approximate a distribution:

EM algorithm learning

Consider how to learn

Given observations $x_n$, we want get $P(z_{0:n}|x_{1:n})$. Following exact method, we get:

When $z_n$ is discrete, $\int_{z_n} P(z_{n} z_{n-1})P(x_n z_n)}$ become a tractable form: $\sum_{z_n} P(z_{n} z_{n-1})P(x_n z_n)}$, while it’s not clear


  1. Hostetler, Jesse, et al. “Inferring strategies from limited reconnaissance in real-time strategy games.” Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. AUAI Press, 2012.
  2. Doucet, Arnaud, et al. “Rao-Blackwellised particle filtering for dynamic Bayesian networks.” Proceedings of the Sixteenth conference on Uncertainty in artificial intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., 2000.